There are lots of ways you can assist Donegal Donkey Sanctuary to continue to provide assistance to Donkeys in need.

  • Could you spare as little as €5/€10/€20 per month by direct debit to help secure feed and a warm comfortable bed for a donkey in our care?

    Many traumatised, injured and hungry souls come into our care every year and knowing that all the necessary costs can be taken care of as a result of regular payments is a tremendous comfort. This funding was an absolute lifeline for the sanctuary during the last two years of closure as a result of the pandemic.

    In truth, we never could have survived without those wonderful supporters who signed up for these regular monthly payments. Remember, no amount is too small. Payments usually run from as little as €5 per month and up to €50.

    Standing Order Details

    A.I.B, Lower Main St, Buncrana
    Sort Code. 93-72-90
    A/C No. 15461074

    IBAN. IE45AIBK93729015461074

  • Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful way of ensuring that the love and care that you showed for donkeys during your lifetime is continued into the future.

    Here at Donegal Donkey Sanctuary we are committed to rescuing and caring for donkeys for many years to come. Your generosity would ensure that our work can continue and the dream of a warm bed, a full tummy and the stroke of a kind hand becomes a reality for many, many more donkeys in the years ahead.

    Below is suggested wording that can be used in your will:

    For a Fixed Amount

    ‘I will give to Donegal Donkey Sanctuary, Castledooey, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, Ireland, F93 R7P2 the sum of €/£/$ …….. to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of Donegal Donkey Sanctuary shall, at its discretion, determine’.

    For a Percentage

    ‘I will give to Donegal Donkey Sanctuary, Castledooey, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, Ireland, F93 R7P2 ……..% of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of Donegal Donkey Sanctuary shall, at its discretion, determine’.

    For a Residue of the Estate

    ‘I will give to Donegal Donkey Sanctuary, Castledooey, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, Ireland, F93 R7P2 the rest and residue of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of Donegal Donkey Sanctuary shall, at its discretion, determine.

    If you have already made your will you can add to it by means of a ‘Codicil’ to the original. Every gift whether large or small will make such a difference. Thank you so much for caring.

    Donations in Lieu of Flowers

    Donations in a lieu of flowers can be made at the funeral or memorial service for a loved one. Family and friends can be informed of the wishes of the deceased by including this information in the death notice.

  • There are so many different ways that you can help! Why not organise a fundraiser at work or with family and friends?

    Here are just some ideas!

     Host a coffee morning
     A non-uniform day at work
     5km/10km Sponsored Walk/Run
     Donation jar at work or at home
     Donations in lieu of gifts at a birthday party
     Head Shave
     Raffle
     Take part in a Marathon
     Themed Party
     Jumble Sale/Yard Sale
     Quiz Night
     Karaoke Night

    Can you donate some feed, hay or straw? Your ways to help the donkeys is only limited by your imagination!